Al Ain Duménil Produced on May 3, 1949, in Neuilly-sur-Seine,” Alain Duménil can define himself like either a French entrepreneur, writer, or patron whose achievements throughout his career have made him among the largestAlain Duménil great bosses amazing from France.
Alain Duménil is fundamentally distinguished from Other great French wineries, because of his preference for culture; this really is undoubtedly some thing that occupies a very crucial place in his life, in particular for this intention where the entrepreneur grants many positive aspects in different manners.
Al Ain Duménil Obtained variants of de L’Herne these really are an independent publishing house based at the 1960s found in Paris on Rue Mazarine, it’s gained within this enthusiast of culture rather than hesitates to proceed against the surrounding styles and thoughts.
Since he has always been completed by his love For civilization in all its varieties, the business man even created a literary award. The renowned Duménil Prize, that awards every year per publication written with a French author and also the winning book is published between January and April of the same year.
If Al-ain Dumenil, Dedicates an unlimited want for literature, and other ethnic industries also excite part of the attention, such as the theater. So , in 2000, the businessman became the owner of the theater situated on Rue Blanche, at Paris. This has a space which may accommodate upto 1,100 audiences.
Though It is not a question of civilization in the Strict sense, the entrepreneur will be also present in the newspaper sector as a result of a big acquisition. The latter does occur in 2009 and pertains into this Agefi SA media set that bought GSMN. The band owns L’Agefi, a renowned Swiss business each day.
Taking a portrait of Alain Duménil would not be a completely complete idea without Fixing the most unknown aspect that distinguishes him out of some other businessman: his own ability for a writer he is the composer of 3 novels who’ve experienced a excellent effects.
Real estate, fund, civilization, aeronautics, it Is very clear that Alain Duménil has been Successful in all the areas in which he’s chosen to make investments. A particularly Talented businessman using an undeniable desire to discover new worlds,” he is Undoubtedly among the absolute most fascinating and original French frontrunners of new Decades.
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